St. Thomas — U.S. Virgin Islands

Judy Barzey, MD, a mother and practicing endocrinologist discovered “Call Me Hope” in a bookstore.

Dr. Barzey, a concerned mother whose 12-year-old daughter was being bullied at school first read the book and was immediately impacted by the power and simplicity of the Purple Hands Pledge®.

She saw the value of our community-wide approach to implementing the Hands & Words Are Not For Hurting Project® in schools, hospitals, agencies, and organizations and set about doing just that.

Dr. Barzey is a highly respected physician known for her compassion and leadership.

“Hope” gave her insight as a mother to be more thoughtful about the words she chose when speaking to her children.

She understood the Purple Hands Pledge® is for every family! 

Jazmin Barzey, left,  Ann S. Kelly, Center, Dr. Judy Barzey & students, right.  Calvary Christian Academy
St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

“It is a very simple program to implement and sustain.
When implemented school-wide this sets a standard of respect for self and others that promotes a safe school environment for everyone.” 

Jazmin Barzey : Student Activist
Purple Hands Pledge® Ambassador

The kids love Purple Hands Pledge® Bear!

Dr. Judy Barzey, with daughter, Jazmin, and son, Jon

“Educators affirm from experience this program requires minimal detraction from class instruction time.”

“The Hands & Words Are Not For Hurting Project® emphasizes positive behavior modification to encourage us all to work together to break the cycles of child abuse, domestic and family violence, bullying in schools, and suicide.”

Judy Barzey MD

“No doubt there are already existing programs for promoting this goal, BUT the Purple Hands Pledge® can add an additional level of awareness and support for choosing a violence-free way of life.”

Judy Barzey MD

“A simple practical approach teaching self-control, accountability for our words and actions, empathy for others and self worth”

Judy Barzey MD

“Parents and the school need to work together, whether the child bullies, is a victim of bullying, or is a witness to bullying. Collectively we can create a culture of respect and trust, while providing a friendly campus where everyone is treated respectfully.”

Judy Barzey MD

“Community members welcomed the Purple Hands Pledge® with open arms, celebrating their opportunity to make a lasting positive impact.”

Judy Barzey MD

A message of gratitude from Ann S.  Kelly, Founder/Executive Director
Hands & Words Are Not For Hurting Project®

“I was honored to be invited by Dr. Barzey to provide training for schools, families, and communities. Parent and teacher presentations were well received. Dr. Barzey recruited community members comprised of local leaders to implement the Purple Hands Pledge® across the Island. I also presented at the Youth Gang Violence Summit where high school students from the island attended.”

“Dr. Barzey exemplifies “The Power Of One” bringing hope through positive action promoting safety in homes, schools, and communities.”